Despre creativ

MISSION: unrivaled financial efficiency achieved through simplicity as the ultimate sophistication and only creating awesome truly innovative stuff always.

HISTORY: life-long inventor, over-trained + mostly self-taught complete designer ready for any challenges

TOOLS: rather vast knowledge data base (constantly learning and keeping up with the latest discoveries, cultures, traditions etc.) + long refined, precise and ever-evolving set of digital & analogic skills & know-how (software & hardware, drawing & sketching etc.) + unending intuition, vision, empathy and feel for the right solution


Portofoliu lucrări


3D modeling all things design (architecture, interior / exterior, furniture & accesories, any usual objects, industrial elements etc.)
Project management from the first sketch to the last finnishing touch (complete project + execution)
Presentations, brand identity (logo), marketing material (cards, flyers, banners etc.), web design etc.
Image / video processing and montage
Constructions of any kind (mainly residential but also comercial, industrial) (metal, wood, concrete, plastics, rubbers etc.)
Inventions (15+ years of 40+ concepts / prototypes in various domaines)
Photography (artistic, architecture & design etc.), phtogrametry & reality capture